In August of 1990 Andy & Audrey Stinson discovered a nice commercial property in the town of Willow Street, which had previously been Enck’s Meat & Cheese. A remodeling project began – converting solid concrete meat lockers, an office & two bay garage into a workable auto body repair shop. Andy opened his door in March 1991, he was the office, he was collision repair & he was the painter.
Andy’s dedication to a job completed right the first time brought many customers to his door, word of mouth soon grew his business. By the fall of 1992 a building addition was being completed – a 2400 square foot facility to use as collision repair. Adding employees to the business became a continual process. The mechanic division began as a way to introduce new people to the business & grow their trust in us.
Andy & Audrey’s sons found an interest in the family business. Aaron developed a love for the collision repair field – from an early age he admired & watched closely as his Dad completed the tasks at hand. Completing his education through the University of Dad, Aaron has now become the collision manager. Adam completed a two year associate degree in Automotive Technology at Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology. His knowledge of theory & experience allow him to lead the mechanic division of A & A Auto Body & Repairs.
So to allow the business to grow into the future, with space & technology a new facility was completed in January of 2013. This facility has grown from a two bay garage into a full multi-departmental auto repair shop still dedicated to the job completed right the first time. The Stinson family along with their co-workers, see a bright future for this business. The building project can be looked at as an end to a dream – Andy & Audrey had while dating in the 1980’s.
However, a new venture allowed the dream to continue for the second generation when the Stinson family purchased a second shop & sales lot in Quarryville. This location allows for more bays and empowers them to continue their dedicated work ethics, while providing quality used cars for customers and Southern Lancaster County. While built on the foundation of family, Andy and Audrey have realized that our family is now the multiple people involved in making our business a success – the valued employees of A & A.
2712 Willow Street Pike N | Willow Street, PA 17584
phone: 717-464-2388 fax: 717-464-1174