Summer has finally arrived and with that comes summer vacations. As many families prepare to hit the road for the beach or the mountains, car maintenance can some times slip the mind. No one wants to start their vacation broken down on the side of the road, three states away. Before you pack up the car, make sure to follow our five tips to ensure that your car is running smoothly.
Oil – Keeping up with your regular oil changes should be ingrained in every car owner. This is particularly important before embarking on a long road trip. Driving a car that is overdue for an oil change can result in critical and permanent damage to your engine. Make sure to check your oil and your mileage before leaving for vacation. If you’re close to your next oil change, schedule it before you add vacation miles onto your car.
Tires – Checking your tires before heading out on a road trip should be a given, but this can get lost in the shuffle of prep and packing. Make sure you check your ties for ware and pressure before hitting the road. You don’t want a slip in the rain or a flat tire to ruin your vacation.
Fluids – There are three fluids that you should look at before driving a long distance, brake fluid, windshield wiper fluid and coolant. Keeping your brakes operating correctly and your windshield clear can help keep you out of an accident. Keeping your passengers cool during a long drive can keep you out of harms way. All of these fluids can be checked and replaced by your maintenance shop and will help put your mind at ease as you start your drive.
Wiper blades – Weather is unpredictable and summer storms tend to creep up without warning. Making sure your windshield wiper blades are in top condition is key before you head out. If you can’t see, then you can’t drive. Keep yourself and others safe by knowing the condition of your wiper blades and replacing, if necessary.
Lights and signal – Many times it takes an outside observer to notice when one of your tail lights or signals is out. It is important to make sure that your headlights, tail lights and signals are all intact before going on a long trip. You don’t want to cause an accident because other drivers could not see you or your signals. Make sure you’ve checked your lights and signals in plenty of time to get them changed before your trip.
Vacation should be a relaxing time, and getting there can be too. By following our tips, you’re on your way to getting there safely. If you have any questions about prepping your car for vacation or would like our help with your oil change, tire updates, fluids levels or any additional maintenance, feel free to reach out. A&A Auto is always happy to help!